ATV/UTV is now allowed on Town of Port Washington TOWN ROADS.
What Roads in the Town are NOT open for ATV travel:
All County Roads (county roads have letter designations such as County Rd KW, County Rd P etc.) are closed to ATV’s unless the County Road has a posted speed limit of 35 MPH or less.
All State Highways
All Federal Highways
Town road Northwoods RD
Town road River RD
Why are County Roads NOT open to ATV travel:
Only the Oz County Board only has the authority to designate their own county roads as ATV/UTV routes
If Northwoods Rd is a Town road, why is it NOT open:
Northwoods RD is a shared boundary road with the Town of Saukville. State law says the more restrictive towns ordinances prevail on a shared road. And Saukville does not allow ATVs on the Saukville Town roads.
Do you need a drivers license to travel on the road in an ATV:
No, a WI Driver’s license is not required
Is there an age restriction for who can operate an ATV on the town roads:
All ATV/UTV operators under 16 years of age must be in direct verbal supervision of a parent or legal guardian when operating on a designated all-terrain vehicle route.
What is the speed limit for an ATV:
Posted speed limits apply to cars and ATV’s
Do I need a helmet when on my ATV:
No person under 18 years of age may operate or be a passenger on an ATV/UTV without wearing protective headgear of the type required under Wis. Stats. 347.485(1)(a) and with the chin strap properly fastened.
Can I operate an ATV at night on the Town Road:
Yes, however the hours are restricted between 11:00pm and 5:00am to no ATV traffic
What other restrictions are there:
The ATV must be registered
The ATV must have a headlight and tail light on
The ATV must operate on the extreme right side of the road
If multiple ATV’s they must ride single file